I made this to take to work as something a little bit different for mealtimes away from the usual fish and chicken approach. granted it took a little more time than i usually spend on my work meals but hey, i may as well be good to myself. Sneaking a slice earlier suggests im going to very much enjoy it. I may take along some of my fig balsam vinegar to dress it with.
You will need:
2 Turkey legs, cooked / slow roasted so the meat is tender.
juice of 2 lemons
1 star anise
12 leaves sage
2 handfuls spinach
salt and pepper
The doing bit.
Once the turkey legs are roasted keep back any juices and add to a pan along with the star anise, and lemon juice. Reduce gently by two thirds and set a side to cool slightly.
Take the meat from the bones and shred into small pieces. Add to a mixing bowl with the spinach and sage and season with salt and pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.
Add the meat to the terrine layering carefully. Press as firmly as possible, add the liquor from the pan and set in a refrigerator for 12 hours.